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As one of the leading agribusiness firms in the Midwest, McGrath North has a long history of working with commodities companies operating around the world.

Our clients include core commodity trading and processing companies, as well as those operating in the biofuel and renewable energy segments. We are fortunate to work with Fortune 500 market leaders, as well as successful mid-size companies operating in these segments.

With our deep industry knowledge and experience, we are able to provide practical and sophisticated counsel to serve the broad range of needs of commodity segment clients. Our work includes commodity related contracts and agreements, risk analysis, financing, business formation, acquisitions and divestitures, joint venture arrangements, supply chain agreements, arbitration and the full range of litigation needs and support for other operational activities. In addition, we are able to provide our energy clients with quidance on energy regulation and transmission, licensing and permitting, fuel supply and transportation agreements, and other targeted needs.

Our broad experience allows us to build collaborative teams working across our specialized practice areas, enhancing our ability to provide value added results.

For additional information and attorney contacts, please refer to the following practice areas: