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Estate and Gift Tax Planning

Clients who have accumulated significant wealth are sometimes reluctant to give up ownership and control, which is frequently required to complete sophisticated estate and gift planning techniques.

While everyone needs an estate plan, some individuals who are looking to transfer significant wealth, either to family members or charities, often require more sophisticated estate and gift tax planning solutions. At McGrath North, our tax experts are experienced in advising high-net-worth individuals on the benefits of sophisticated estate and gift tax planning techniques so they can chose the right option to achieve their objectives. These tax options often require the relinquishment of ownership and control of assets, so it is imperative that the client is fully advised of the advantages and limitations of each solution when choosing a plan that will meet their individual needs and desires.

Industry Experience: Estate and gift tax planning.

If you are considering seeking advice from counsel, here is what we suggest you keep in mind:

  • You want to be open to considering and understanding the benefits and limitations of various sophisticated estate and gift tax options.
  • You want to seek advice from experienced legal counsel on which estate and tax planning techniques offer the best opportunity to achieve your objectives.