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State and Local Taxation and Incentives

Our clients expect experienced and highly competent legal advice and strategy from professionals who have worked with state and local officials for decades and who understand the most cost-effective way to resolve State and Local Tax and Incentive issues and opportunities.

Practically everyone engaged in business, from small companies to Fortune 500 companies, is affected by State and Local Tax and Incentive issues. At McGrath North, our tax and incentive experts will advise you on a wide range of issues and opportunities that can affect and enhance your business interests and livelihood. If you have been audited or assessed by state or local tax authorities, we will represent you through the tax appeal process to negotiate a settlement or otherwise defend your interests. We will assist you in designing a business expansion or site selection to optimize potential State and Local Tax and other incentives.  We will advise you on State and Local Tax considerations, pitfalls and opportunities inherent (but often overlooked) in business models, transactions and agreements. Our professional knowledge of State and Local Tax procedures, enhanced by the relationships we have developed with State and Local Tax and Economic Development officials has led to the successful conclusion of many tax and incentive matters over many years.

Industry Experience: Successful results for tax audits and appeals, tax and non-tax incentives for business expansions, negotiated settlements, tax planning, and tax litigation.  Have represented companies in many business sectors and industries, including Consumer Product Manufacturing, Industrial Manufacturing, Business Services, Food and Beverage, Construction, Engineering, Health Care, Agribusiness, Real Estate, Distribution, Financial Services, Professional Services, Technology, Retail, Human Resources, Franchise and Consumer Services.

If you are considering seeking advice from counsel, here is what we suggest you keep in mind:

  • You want to verify that your legal counsel has significant long term experience with State and Local Tax principles and procedures.
  • You want legal counsel who have long term relationships with State and Local Tax and Economic Development authorities.
  • You want to discuss your tax and incentive issues with legal counsel who have been deeply involved in actually designing and drafting much of the key tax and incentive legislation for your state.
  • You want to insist that your legal counsel provides you with an evaluation of the merits of your situation and a careful consideration of the alternatives for best solving your tax or incentive matters.